Monday, April 17, 2017

Technology and Murder

Yesterday, Robert Godwin, an elderly Cleveland, Ohio resident, was shot on his way home from Easter mass. Unlike with many other shootings, the suspect in this situation is verified, and because of his own doings. Steve Stephens posted a video to Facebook showing himself holding a gun up to Mr. Godwin, and eventually him shooting him right in the head. Why do people use technology in this way to broadcast crime? What makes social media users think that this is what the applications are intended for? I find it mind boggling that in a world of such complex technology, this is what it is being used for. Although stupid on Steve's behalf, in this case I dare to say that technology was on the side of justice because the shooter is verified.

The article can be found here:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Synthetic Humans?

Many of us now know about The Human Genome Project, which was an international research project in which the entire human genome was sequenced and all genes were identified and mapped. Well, last year a project was proposed that aimed to recreate the entire human genome--from scratch. This project is called The Genome Project - Write (GP-write). If successful, this project would lead to the creation of entire animal genomes (including humans, all 3 billion base pairs) by using the chemical components found inside these animals to signify which base pairs go where. There is much controversy over this project, especially ethically because would an organism created this way be real or would it be considered synthetic? I feel as though if the materials that make up the DNA are the same as those that make up the DNA of all other living things, then it would not justly be considered synthetic. However, one could argue that if it doesn't occur naturally, it isn't natural. What do you guys think?

What is Going On?

This article poses a very relevant question: What the heck is going on? At first the article gives a broad explanation of how thought and reality changes over time, and then goes a bit deeper to better explain the changes. It mentions why we change, what it means to be conscious, and how we actually create reality though our consciousness. With what is going on in our country today, I feel that a lot of people may be asking themselves this question. This article then goes on to give a scientific reason for how and why we change, a historical reason, and also a spiritual reason. It is a very interesting read and I feel (the begining, at least) could really benefit many members of society today by attempting to give them an explanation for what they don't, but may want to know.

Technology in Relationships

   Technology has ended plenty of relationships. Just by having a cell phone makes anything possible because it's all private. No one would be able to know who you are talking to or being intimate with unless they have your password. You can have plenty of significant others and no one would be able to find out. It's easy to add and drop anyone in your life because basically everyone has a cell phone. Having just a simple device can put the world in your hands.
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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tech. used in Combat

On this website I learned the uses of technology in war. It is way deeper than the use of only computers. It can go from little modules, to bombs, to spyware throughout the area. All of these gadgets can detect motion. Then can go off at any given moment. It is crazy how you can let technology win your battle because humans wouldn't be present. Technology can be used for both good and bad purposes.

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Technology has changed so much throughout the years. Just imagine being back in time where you couldn't even speak to people on the phone, you had a little pager attached to your hip. Then to now where you we can basically speak to someone, face to face, through our phones. Humans have made a major step forward in the technological industry.

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Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is a subject in sports that can get you into major trouble. This is seen as an alternative route instead of taking steroids. Athletes started to use gene enhancements because it cannot be traced like a steroid, but now they began a new process for testing for genetic enhancements, that will be able to tell if these enhancements have been applied. Using genetic enhancements can also come with side effects. Sometimes it can change your mindset, or even your physical appearance. This is why you must be careful about what you put into your own body.

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