Monday, April 3, 2017

Planned Parenthood: Modern day Eugenics

Modern Day Eugenics

'Like the advocates of birth control, The Eugenicists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit' - Margaret Sanger (Founder of Planned Parenthood & Eugenicists) 

In it's infancy, Planned Parenthood began as an assistive service to the destruction of the black race. It was formed through the concept of eugenics; which means 'well-born', and introduced to society in the meager years of the 1930s. Nowadays, it has taken transformation and is geared toward unfit fetuses. Though it has taken a new form, its principle of population control is still very much alive. I found an article that provides a more in depth look on the subject of eugenics within the United States, and Margaret Sanger. LINK HERE


  1. Hey David,

    I find this article interesting, though I cannot seem to get on board with some of the things it says and I can't help but feel that this site is a bit biased toward a particular party. Nevertheless, I must say that I was unaware of that fact that this was how Planned Parenthood was started, or that it had such implications. In my opinion, the comparison of Planned Parenthood to murder is slightly drastic, as biologically speaking a fetus is not a human being. Now, people may argue that having an abortion later in a pregnancy may be murder, but hat is a different topic. A fetus is not fully developed, and therefore not a complete being. Look at it this way: let's compare a fetus to an acorn. An acorn is obviously not a tree, so why do we call a fetus a child? However, I understand that some people may be motivated to believe otherwise because of religion or cultural beliefs, and I respect that.

  2. Eugenics is a fascinating topic to discuss because you can see how populations have grown and updated their feelings about this topic. It started off by trying to separate rate basically the "goods" and "bads". Just to try to keep the society in balance. Then to now where in some countries you're only allowed to have a certain number of children or their will be consequences for you. I believe that someone should have the right to dictate if they would like to keep their baby or not in the early stages of pregnancy because it's a personal topic to touch upon.
