Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Women in Technology

  We need more women involved in technology. When you usually hear about technology being built, you'll usually believe that it is of a man's creation, but that doesn't always have to be true. Women can be capable of the same productions as a male. For example, you can look at the group of women who programmed ENIAC, a computer that was designed in WWII. But since then, many women still don't feel that the technological field is for them. In 2012, women made up about 26 of computer related job, which were about 3,816,000 in total. 11 percent of executive technical positions were held by women as well. Then there were only 7 percent of businesses owned by women at this time. This must come to a change because women can do just about anything a male can do in today's society.


  1. Hey Jovon!

    I love that you chose this topic. I think women definitely need to become more empowered to take on STEM fields. As a female Marine Biology and Policy major with a minor in statistics, I full-heartedly embrace women in science and math fields! We need to start to break down these barriers that "that's a man's job," or "women aren't smart enough to do that." If you look at all of the technology that women have created in the past, such as the first computer, and even bulletproof vests, it should be obvious that we need women to develop new technology in the future.

  2. I also agree that women deserve a more prominent role in the technological field. If society would denounce the idea of sexism in the workplace completely, we would all be better off. After all, that's what it really comes down to; at least in my humble opinion.
