Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Generalized Causes of Revolution

*Week 2
http://academic.eb.com/levels/collegiate/article/63362 - What is it?

The birth of a revolution can be broken down into different causes, organizations and results. The anatomy behind the revolution is the way we understand why it is happening and the impacts on society. The dozens of causes for a revolution that are not necessarily universal.Typically, reasons behind a revolution is mainly because of disconnection and hostility, which sprouts from society, religion, the government, and economy being restricted. Which then causes peoples basic needs to not be met, and it is unacceptable. Then this has a domino effect with bitterness between social classes making the government not be able to support them. But how can you blame these people for getting mad? Basic needs through economy, society and  politics is an important aspect to keep a country running. Major revolutions happen because people aspire change within their governments power. .

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Children & Frequent Technology Usage

          In this Psychology Today article written by Jim Taylor, PhD., we can see how the prevalence of technology has clearly been affecting the development of children in various ways. It has been both hindering and benefiting them in their daily lives. The question is: do the pros outweigh the cons or do the cons outweigh the pros? Taylor references certain studies that were mentioned in the New York Times and states how it has been shown how students who have access to Internet during class do not absorb the material as well and struggling with retaining information due to frequent distractions and interruptions in comparison to students who are not "wired" in class. 
          An interesting metaphor that was used in this article was regarding the differences between scuba diving versus jet skiing and how this can compare with reading versus using the internet. When scuba diving, the diver is submerged in a "quiet, visually restricted, slow-paced setting with few distractions" which allows them to think critically and focus narrowly. This is comparable to the act of reading and the level of comprehension it requires. However, when jet skiing, the jet skiier is on the surface of the water at a very high speed, able to focus on only one immediate thing at a time and this is comparable to using the Internet and being constantly led to new pieces of information without fully absorbing the knowledge at hand. 
Sourch: "Your Child & Cell Phones" from deeprootsathome.com
          Essentially, many hindrances can be found with the constant use of technology especially in today's world where it is highly prevalent. The easy access to all information through the Internet makes in difficult for children to think critically at a stage in their lives when the ability to critically think is being developed. However, on the other hand, there has been so many education opportunities readily available due to the simplicity of the Internet. To parents: it is important to understand that moderation is key. In my opinion, if the child is not dependent on technology usage in everyday life, it is highly possible to make use of the Internet in the most positive way possible. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

   *Week 1
The Internet is a wonderful perk in today's society. It has contributed to lots of success and discovers throughout the modern times. This generation is shaped by technology and the internet, some people base their lives off it. But is it destroying the way young kids learn and grow as intellects? Is Google making us stupid? This is a rising controversy through the eyes of parents and teachers as they watch their kids and students grow up with Iphones and Ipads. The internet is a tool that is extremely helpful with helping children learn, especially those with disabilities. It also makes kids read more without them even realizing it.
   But it does have the cons to go along with it, this is why some say we dumb our selves down from the internet. I can somewhat agree with that because the internet can do mostly everything for you. It helps us spell, give us definitions, and even provide us e-books at any given moment. Google makes it so we do not have to pick up a paper back again. Most teens now a days do not even think about stepping into a library and searching for a book, its rare for them to read in their leisure time. Google is making this generation lazy, kids do not know what is like anymore to go outside and play with the neighborhood friends. I do not know if i would consider saying stupid, because people take it the wrong way, but Google is definitely changing the way generations are growing and learning.

 Image result for google is making us stupid