Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Generalized Causes of Revolution

*Week 2
http://academic.eb.com/levels/collegiate/article/63362 - What is it?

The birth of a revolution can be broken down into different causes, organizations and results. The anatomy behind the revolution is the way we understand why it is happening and the impacts on society. The dozens of causes for a revolution that are not necessarily universal.Typically, reasons behind a revolution is mainly because of disconnection and hostility, which sprouts from society, religion, the government, and economy being restricted. Which then causes peoples basic needs to not be met, and it is unacceptable. Then this has a domino effect with bitterness between social classes making the government not be able to support them. But how can you blame these people for getting mad? Basic needs through economy, society and  politics is an important aspect to keep a country running. Major revolutions happen because people aspire change within their governments power. .


  1. Hey Marielle, thanks for the elaboration on the general characteristics of a typical Revolution. These aspects were definitely exhibited in the American and French revolutions. Specifically, the disconnect between the classes is very interesting to me. Imagine turning on your very neighbors and other high-standing authoritative figures? This has to be fueled by some kind of intense hatred, disconnect and injustice. During the French revolution, the working class social group underwent severe injustice when they were heavily taxed. Their anger and resentment towards the royal family was very understandable given their circumstances. It's hard to imagine that they were so strongly fueled by anger that their riots became DEATHLY. (Example: ripping off the heads of the security guards outside of the Palace of Versailles). These very normal, hard-working people were pushed way beyond their limit and were coerced into feeling such anger. It is interesting but also terrifying to see how the human mind can be totally controlled by emotion when tipped over the edge.
    You're right when you say that basic needs through economy, society and politics is an important aspect to keep a country running. It was a naive decision on behalf of the royal family to cause so much injustice in a group of people that make up 96% of the French population. Angering such a large crowd obviously poses huge threats to their safety and prestige. (Stupid mistake!) On top of that, Marie Antoinette was barely even aware of the severity of these problems! Was definitely a smart move for her to run out of that palace as soon as she did.

    1. Hello Sneha!! Thank you so much for the feedback, I appreciate it. I am glad that someone can relate and step into my shoes, I knew that I was not the only one who thought like this! Thank you, can not wait to continue blogging with you!! :)
