Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

   *Week 1
The Internet is a wonderful perk in today's society. It has contributed to lots of success and discovers throughout the modern times. This generation is shaped by technology and the internet, some people base their lives off it. But is it destroying the way young kids learn and grow as intellects? Is Google making us stupid? This is a rising controversy through the eyes of parents and teachers as they watch their kids and students grow up with Iphones and Ipads. The internet is a tool that is extremely helpful with helping children learn, especially those with disabilities. It also makes kids read more without them even realizing it.
   But it does have the cons to go along with it, this is why some say we dumb our selves down from the internet. I can somewhat agree with that because the internet can do mostly everything for you. It helps us spell, give us definitions, and even provide us e-books at any given moment. Google makes it so we do not have to pick up a paper back again. Most teens now a days do not even think about stepping into a library and searching for a book, its rare for them to read in their leisure time. Google is making this generation lazy, kids do not know what is like anymore to go outside and play with the neighborhood friends. I do not know if i would consider saying stupid, because people take it the wrong way, but Google is definitely changing the way generations are growing and learning.

 Image result for google is making us stupid


  1. Hey Marielle! I like how you referred to the positives and the negatives of Google usage. I think Google has long-term negative effects. It's interesting because my father used to tell me stories about when he lived in India during his youth and there was no technology readily available and he had to go through most of his schooling with simply books and papers. Come to think of it, they didn't even have calculators! He had to use a "log book" to calculate logs for math classes. I think our current generation really doesn't understand how fortunate we are to have an application like Google so readily available at our finger tips. The incoming information is endless. However, I do think it attributes to shorter attention spans because there is no *fear* in not knowing something. Students don't fear not knowing things because we can just simply look it up really quickly and instantaneously get a quick, short answer. In the past years, it was imperative to know information well inside-and-out, because there are no shortcuts. You either know it or you don't, you can't just quickly make a Google search 15 minutes before an exam. We lose information just as fast as we get the information. There's no need for memory consolidation because if we forget, we can just easily look it up again. Previously, pre-Google, acquiring information took more effort, so it would be absorbed and remembered for longer. In my opinion, Google has done an amazing job for providing for students and all people, in general. But how will we know how much is too much?

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. Yes, I agree with what you are saying, Google is transforming the mind. Pre-google, people actually opened up books and researched for information. Although that takes much more work, it was how they used to do it! Thank you again for replying!!
