Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Is Empathy Innate?

This article discusses the biological and psychosocial aspects that play a role in the presence of the ability to feel empathy for others. So many horrible things have taken place in history relating to death, torture and mistreatment. One may think, how is it possible to partake in such terrible acts as a human? Do they lack empathy? Have they lost their ability to empathize or did they never have it? Violence should be eradicated with the positive human social interaction and morality, but it is not this way, unfortunately. 


  1. Hello Sneha, so many questions and so little answers!! But yet again, it is hard to disagree with you and your thoughts. It is all so relevant and true to our discussion. But after reading the article, some of the main points were very true. First, the main point is regarding children and their empathy. Children are taught this trait but their parents or guardians. Children model their caregiver but can be neglected in this area. Then it leads to aggressive behavior and bullying. Some times it is not their fault, but it can be root to their up bringing. This article also touches on how empathy is part of a personality trait and it is essential to satisfy human relationships. I agree with this because to love another person and care for that person you must feel for them and know where they are coming from. Thank you for once again finding a great article!!

  2. Right! Sounds like a lot of pressure on the parents to ensure the proper response of empathy for the children. Yes, although a certain degree of it should be accounted by the personality trait factor. But still, good luck to parents! Sounds like a tough job. A child's life/outlook on the world could be totally dependent on the upbringing by their caregiver.

  3. I honk you both made some very valid, very interesting points! I do believe that empathy is something that is definitely taught in the home, but I also believe that it is taught in the community. If a child is taught to be empathetic and goes out into a world of cynicism and selfishness, how can that child be expected to be empathetic toward others that may seem as though they don't deserve it? Empathy is something that makes us human--we have the ability to care for others and the desire to make things better, and it needs to be practiced by everyone for it to truly have its greatest impact.
