Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Was I "I, Robot" correct about our future?

Yesterday's talk about technology's impact on our relationships and how it will severely affect warfare, human sensitization and society in general made me think about how the media depicts technology. There have been many films romanticizing the concept of humans and robotics (i.e., cyborgs, transformers, robots)
"I, Robot" is a 2004 dystopian, science-fiction, action film starring Will Smith setting in 2035 where America is primarily dependent on robots and robotic technology for mundane human tasks like getting groceries, cleaning the house and running other errands. Will Smith's character, Spooner, is skeptical of the robots because he believes that with enough advancement of technology, they may have the ability to take over and rule the nation with aggression and lack of emotion. Nobody believes him because they are blinding by the degree of comfort and convenience that comes with the robots (technology's positive advancements that are seen in positive light always).
I believe that the robots represent the degree to which humans can possibly become desensitized with the aid of technology advancements. With enough dependency on modern technology, we as humans lose the ability to feel emotion and properly register when things are wrong and immoral.
Later in the plot of the movie, Spooner turns out to be right about the robots as certain robots have corrupt malware causing them to have the ability to inflict harm on the human species, even though their software says that they should not be able to do that. They begin to create robotic clans against the human species causing chaos and destruction. Ultimately, we can learn from this that we should not be so dependent on technology that it blinds us from seeing the clear truth. We should not let technology desensitize us and strip us of our emotions, feelings and ability to empathize with one another.


  1. Hello Sneha, This is a perfect blog post that connects strongly to our topic. It is very interesting that you can connect with the real world and what is going on in society. It is great how you can pick this out of the pile of movies and books that express this type of technology. Most of the time this idea of technology goes right over our head because we are "robots". *laughing out loud* but it is true because the way we run is through technology. Although this movie seems very far fetched, it can become a reality if we continue to be so dependent on technology. This is the sad truth because of how technology is shaping us. Thank you for another great blog, you never fail to disappoint!! :)

  2. Thank you Marielle!!! 😊😊😊 I appreciate it. And really, technology is SERIOUSLY molding our future.. in positive ways but definitely also negative ways. I'm scared to see what is to happen of our future years in regards to technological advancements!!
