Wednesday, March 8, 2017

                             Technological Warfare    

Image result for advanced fighter plane                                                          

Throughout time we as a civilization have thrived through technological advances. So much so that we have begun to utilize for military purposes. Correction; we have always utilized technology throughout military warfare, but as we progress there is seemingly no limitation as to what can be achieved, and how technology can be used as weapons. I found an article that perfectly highlights and compares mans' desire to to use technology for war-like means throughout history, and urge those who find this blog to take a look. The article served to give me a better understanding of technological warfare, and how man may be on a path destined for their own self-inflicted destruction. 


  1. Hello David, loved the article, I think it is important for people to understand how differently technology has grown throughout the years. There are good highlights that encourage people to continue reading. I think as a society, we do not have a good understanding, even you mentioned it that we do not get it till we have a first hand example. There is so much ignorance that goes along with warfare and technology and more people should be reading these articles and educating there-selves.

  2. David, thanks for sharing the article. Marielle, I completely agree with your stance on technology's impact on warfare. I think we, as humans, don't understand what we are capable of. David is right when he states that "man may be on a path destined for their own self-inflicted destruction." Humans, by nature, are simply self-destructive, which is scary. It is interesting to think; if there were other planets out there.. humans could inhabit the area and make positive things differently than we did here on Earth (prevent the mistakes we've made thus far). However, maybe we would just enter the pathway to self-destruction immediately. It seems inevitable!
