Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Technology & Warfare: Social Media & Terrorism

In today's world, technology (specifically social media and instant technology) has a huge impact on the lives of every person (regardless of age). It can be understood that the best/most effective way to influence a massive population would be via technology. Perhaps, this is why terrorist organizations like ISIS are using social media to recruit young adults all over the world. It is concerning to see how heavily people can be manipulated by social media and virtual communication. This article highlights the various ways that they are able to connect to people as young as 13 years old in countries such as the United States, Canada, England, Spain, etc. ISIS recruiters are advanced in their abilities to get close to and essentially "brainwash" people by befriending them and persuading them through media such as Twitter and Facebook. It's scary to see how our own digital, personal platforms can be used against us and ultimately determine your morals.


  1. Hello Sneha, this blog is a good one because you connected two things that most people are afraid to say. This is the ugly truth in today's society. you are correct when you say that social media is a great outlet for terrorism. It can be so easy to fake and act over the internet, tricking innocent people. Not only does it trick people, they brain wash people. It is all over social media and it crazy how much attention it gets. People get lost with reality when they fall into this trap.

  2. Scary, right? We don't even realize how gravely technology can completely manipulate and brainwash us. We are so conditioned to technology usage that without it, we're confused. Of course, it is easy to persuade/manipulate people so dependent on modern technology. Hopefully, being aware of this gives us some kind of shield and opens our eyes to the dangers of manipulation via social media.
