Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Why So Few?

Women, technology, and science are often words that people do not normally put together and has a social stigma around it. People do not think women are smart enough to go into these fields, but there are a few who are extremely intelligent and very successful with it. But why so few? Here is an article about women in science and engineering.  It talks about why there are so few women in the field and promoting women to get interested in it. 

Image result for women technology science


  1. Marielle, I truly do agree with you on the idea that women are capable of more than the social stigmas placed upon them. I also believe that it is a lack of opportunity that keeps the statistic of women in specific job fields stagnant and complacent. The article provided more insight on this issue. I also like how it provides an affirmative action-like plan that can possibly inspire women to pursue careers in these various fields.

  2. Women should have the same opportunities as men and I totally agree with this. Their should be more women in the technological field. Women are just as capable of getting into technology just like men. This is almost like a concept of gender roles because you would must often believe that someone working with technology is most likely a man, and not a woman.
