Monday, March 20, 2017

Totalitarianism - Total control of a country

*Week 7
Totalitarianism was born in the 1920's. This is when authority was in complete control and abused their power. Not only did they have total control of the country they had total control over the mind. They used propaganda throughout mass media to get the people on their side and to think it was ok. They did succeed with their power too, below there is a picture of a cartoon showing how the brainwashing worked and people fell for what the leaders were saying. There is no individual freedom under this control, they swept away all the social, legal and political traditions. It was sad how it became cult-like and nobody stood up for themselves and spoke out for the people. Everyone kept quiet, for example when Hitler was in power and created dozens of concentration camps. These were happening in the backyards of the village people. They calmed they did not hear, see or smell what was going on. Were they too scared to stand up or were they brainwashed into thinking it did not happen?  

    Image result for totalitarianism examples

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marielle, totalitarianism is one of those topics where you truly wouldn't know what was going on throughout everyone's heads throughout the process. But even with that in mind, I feel like the ones who played oblivious to the events that were going on in their country weren't brainwashed, I believe they were more afraid of what would happen to them as well as their families. Every man that has ever been in charged has had a large military behind him to force his word so if someone was to speak out against them, I assume would be tortured or even killed. I just feel like everyone has their own thoughts under a ruler but not everyone is going to speak out because they are too afraid of the consequences they will have to deal with, so they learn how to live with that specific lifestyle.
