Wednesday, March 22, 2017

                  Totalitarianism & Technology 


A totalitarian society includes aspects of both a dictatorial and centralized civilization. But did you know that totalitarian is still very much alive in today's world? Technology is one of few advancements that has become critical to the daily lives of civilians on a global standpoint. The media utilizes the internet to spread stories and more often times then not, false propaganda. Countries much like our own, enjoy the freedoms of being able to have current events within arms reach. Yet an argument can be made that we are ONLY able to see or interpret what the government ALLOWS us to depict. Many Americans have no knowledge of the horrific events that occurred in Panama during the late 1980s, that is now being deemed as the "Panama Deception." Not everything is what it may be made out to be; and though we may enjoy rights as Americans such as freedom of speech and press, we are still subjected to a totalitarian government. Down below is a video link for a more in depth detailing of the Panama Deception; being that this may still be "news" to so many and a demonstration of the society that we live in today. 

The Panama Deception


  1. Hello David, one of my favorite things about your blog and everyone else's is that it keeps up with our society today. These are topics that are not talked about every day and normally they do not come up in conversation. I like being able to express my feelings. Anyway, I agree with what you were saying because it is true, there was false propaganda then and it is present now. The internet is the major resource from where faultily propaganda is seen. If we realize it or not it is all around us to brain wash us, just like in the past. We began a totalitarian government years ago and continue to use this form of government. It is sad to see all of so blind to what is happening and how controlled we actually are.

  2. I totally agree with how you explained how technology is basically a way to spread news. But you will never know what is actually the "full story" or what is being held almost "underground" because we aren't present around these events. I'm pretty sure there are dozens of events that are still going on till this day that no one has heard about, due to the hiding of it because these people wouldn't want to be the center of attentions.
