Sunday, March 12, 2017

Technology against Humanity?

*Week 6 pt.2
Coming across this passage it does not fall into any weekly topic we have had. But this is such a great article to read because it fits well in the class argument. I think it is important to be able to recognize what technology is doing to us. Even though we are living within this horrible society, at least we know it is bad. Most people do not realize their lives are slowly being taken over.


  1. Wow.. just read the article. Honestly, it's scary to think of how technology can essentially "replace" our humanity. But, I've definitely had these thoughts before. Is technology desensitizing us and making us "less human"? I think yes, definitely to a certain extent. "Convenience through technology has become a double-edged sword." We covered this in earlier blog posts, as well! In regards to relationships & technology. Have you ever taken a look around the dining hall? Isn't it crazy how many people are just staring at their phones even though they are sitting a table full of people? Technology is really starting to (has been) pull us away from our bodies and turn us into virtual ghosts... pulling the humanity out of us. Totally agree with this article, thanks for the share Marielle!!

    1. Thanks for the feed back on my newest post! I love how you bring our topics and my article in our college life, yes the dinning hall or student center is a perfect example of how technology is taking over!! It is sad that this is how our society is becoming. I wish you could see normal conversations these days. It is rare to see a table of people without a phone or computer.
