Saturday, March 4, 2017

The New Nationalism

This article highlights the implications of Trump's America-only political stance, and how this new form of nationalism could endanger our country, as well as other nations worldwide.


  1. Hey Taylor! I read the article and I agree and I have something to add. To be honest, maybe this is an "unpopular opinion," to some people but I think Trump's "nationalism" and focus on Make America Great Again and AMERICA FIRST is just inciting and encouraging VIOLENCE towards anything/anyone/any place that may (incorrectly, according to ignorant bias) not embody whiteness and America-ness, even though AMERICA (as it is) is the world's melting pot! Dependent on diversity and immigration...
    Maybe AMERICA FIRST is just selfish and violent to a certain degreee. Maybe not, but these are my thoughts.

    1. Hello Ladies, great way to bring current events into our blog this week. As well as current, it is also a very touchy topic to discuss. Trump is intending to "Make America Great Again" but I do not think he is intending violence. He just wants to unify the country and make it stronger. I am not too into politics, I just have a very light opinion on all of this. Therefore I know this is a sensitive topic and everyone thinks differently, but thank you for taking the time to listen.

  2. True, I see where you're coming from. It is important to have a certain sense of nationalism. I am still strongly independent when it comes to politics, but I feel as though his motives are negatively-driven. However, it's important to stay positive and see the light in all of his actions, which I do. He definitely is trying to help the upper-middle class population (who benefit more from a Republican presidency, in economic terms).
