Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Technology vs. Modern Day Relationships

                      How technology has begun to impact relationships both positively, & negatively

                                          Image result for technology's impact on relationships

If you've ever been in a relationship, odds are that you and your significant other have had a decent amount of disagreements between one another. How many of those disagreements can be accounted for lack of attention? One of the more persisting issues in today's day and age is the lack of a physical presence within a relationship, mainly due in part to how usual technology has become. We depend so much on technology that it can sometimes obtain a much more prominent role in one's live as opposed to their significant other. Through texting and instant messaging, we identify the convenience of being able to convey messages with positive and negative feedback without revealing ourselves or showcasing vulnerability. It almost offers a sense of security from dealing with or projecting emotions; dissipating the physical aspect through emotional disconnection. Little by little, this has become more prominent within our society. What makes it so dangerous is the fact that it has become the preferred alternative to dealing with issues, or even communicating in general. Technology itself shows no indication of any future decline in advancement. Time itself indicates that technology will only serve to worsen the matter, rather than assist; which was the general idea behind the thought of progressive advancement.    


  1. David, this is a super relatable topic to pick. Honestly, I think I'm a hypocrite because I can clearly am aware of the negative impact of technology in relationships. I can reduce emotion and cause desensitization. It even removes the whole "romance" factor. Today, even a "cute goodnight text" could be taken as a huge romantic gesture. Who knows what the "romantic gesture" will be in the future? Convenience isn't always the best thing..
    You're right, because of the convenience factor, it becomes easy to become a fake version of ourselves. This could become so bad that people in serious relationships may not fully even know about their significant other and their true personality if technology becomes that big of a factor in the relationship. Miscommunication is inevitable if the relationship is so digitally based.

    1. David and Sneha, great opinions on technology and relationships, also super relatable just like Sneha said earlier. I agree with Sneha But!!! Romantic gestures can be super simple but mean a lot. something so small like a text considered a romantic gesture? Our society has become pathetic in the sense of being genuine. Not a lot of people know manners now a days. People think its okay to just send a text message but it is not. Text messages take little effort and do not mean a lot. for instance, if two individuals got into a fight and one was to apologize over text it would not be half as powerful as if someone came to the others doorsteps and said sorry. But today we take a text message as being okay. On a different note, I do agree with the factor that it can be convenient because there are situations where loved ones have to travel for work or family related issues. But that is not occurring all the time, everyday. Relationships and love should be dealt with face-to-face and not have to be forced over a text or a call.

  2. Great thoughts guys!! While I agree that technology may aid in desensitizing relationships, I myself rely on technology for my relationship. My boyfriend currently attends school in Boston, so I only get to see him about once a month if I'm lucky. To make up for not being able to see him, we text all the time and frequently Skype or FaceTime. So while I definitely agree that it can hurt relationships, I feel like as long as you know how to communicate well to begin with you can use technology to enhance a reationsh

  3. You are certainly right on this topic, everyone believes that technology is the bondage to all relationships. If something goes wrong, it's because of something that probably went wrong because something came through on their device. It's even a big deal if someone doesn't send a simple "good morning" or "good night" text. Most conversations happen through texts and when you're around your other, things just seem to go into a mute because we just don't know how to connect with anyone in our presence anymore.
