Monday, February 20, 2017

Technology's Impact on Communication in Relationships

Today in class, we covered the role of technology in relationships. Frequently, texting can cause miscommunication due to a lack of mutual understanding of the tone of these virtual messages. Many things can be misinterpreted when leading a relationship through text. It is interesting to think that current adults may struggle with interpretation with digital relationships, while the internet has also done a lot to improve the quality of relationships (when used properly). The classic Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet emphasizes the gravity of miscommunication in a relationship and how relationships can go very awry when lacking proper communication. Lack of instant communication, at one point, made it more inconvenient to meet up with significant others and stay in constant contact.

However, there are even larger (internal) issues that are created with the use of constant Internet usage/texting/social media in a relationship. A relationship can be manipulated to just be perfect for the public, social media purposes. The individuals can become more overprotective and concerned because instant technology allows for more freedom and more temptations. It is important to stay honest with one another, communicate properly and act responsibly. There will be problems without technology and with technology. As our society is shaping into a technology-dependent time period, it is important to prioritize the meaningful relationships in life (in person, and not completely virtually). 

1 comment:

  1. Sneha, loved the blog this week. I personally have a strong opinion for this topic and it goes along with what you were saying. I strongly believe that technology and social media ruins relationships. Sending a text can mean so little to a person or ignoring a person through text can ruin a persons day. There are extremes in every direction and it is only because we are used to texting as one of the only forms of communication. It is sad how now nobody knows what writing a letter is like. I like the old school tricks and sending cute little gifts/letters in the mail. I do not think it is right that sometimes we only met someone over the internet and we are dating them. How can someone find love over a screen? I believe that truly loving somebody comes with the touch or another humans skin. Just like I was ranting in my other blog post about this, I can not stress it enough. It is a very touchy subject for me because love is meant to be a strong bond between two people. Also, when a relationship is scattered throughout social media, others get involved,which results in break ups. Moral of the story is stay away from social media as much as possible and keep a low profile.
