Monday, February 6, 2017


Today's class really started to make me think about how the society changes dramatically throughout different time periods in history. During the Scientific Revolution in the 1500-1800 time period, a revolution of ideas took place in which conceptual, methodological and institutional approaches to the natural world were formed as modern science. This revolution used rationality and science to explain the nature of the universe, shifting the mindset of the world from religious to scientific. Essentially, the world was pulled from a religiously driven period to an Age of Rationalism. This allowed people to properly give a reason for the ways of nature and have intellectual conversation about the world. However, this resulted in a very mechanical way of thinking. To a certain extent, this led the people into the Romantic Movement (1800-1870). Romanticism placed great emphasis on "individualism" and focused on emotions and feelings. This resulted in a spur of the arts, emotion, nature, spirituality, imagination, cultural traditions and values of the past. After this movement, we can see how current society is very scientific and technology-driven. People completely trust science and technology in 2017. This interests me because it sounds as if society went from:


Now, we can wait and see what happens after this current era.....any guesses? Do you think that we will enter another Enlightenment of culture and emotion or progress deeper in the scientific & technology-driven culture?

1 comment:

  1. Sneha! Nice work on creating a flow chart of the reality behind emotion. I can totally agree with you on this, I believe we are technology driven in many more ways than one. My guess would be in this current era we will fall deeper into the scientific factors and not be able to pull ourselves out this time. Technology is doing nothing but improving that is only digging us deeper into this hole. For now we can only make predictions, lets see what the future holds.
