Monday, February 6, 2017

Is Technology decreasing empathy?

 *Week 3
  Another rising controversy about technology, but that does not surprise me. This form of controversy is blaming technology for a more emotional disaster. That is not too far fetched. Personally I believe that technology is making us less empathetic. Behind these screens and over social media, youth is not actually caring one another. It is hard to put yourself in someone else's shoes when you do not know how they actually feel. Feelings in general are not being expressed the right way because of social media, being able to read  each other is becoming harder and harder.
     The young is losing the meaning of empathy because they are not connecting with their peers on a higher level then just texting. Teenagers are not even having normal conversations anymore. Texting and social media has its own language. These people are not engaging the right way, there is not contact or emotion to any of these words. It is easy to be a coward behind a screen and not care for one another, this is why technology is decreasing empathy.  

*an descriptive article saying why technology is making us careless and lose empathy. 

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