Monday, February 20, 2017

Technology in show "Black Mirror" and how it can be real for us

This article* touches upon the various highly advanced technology that were brought into the story to interest the modern crowd, the show "Black Mirror". Every episode talks about the negative impacts of technology if it is let out of hand. This article refers to the possibility of these technologies existing in the real life.
Although technology has improved the quality of our lives exponentially, it still holds the capability of destroying us if used improperly or without fear of consequence. Technology has the ability to do more than we even know as of right now. It is so important to use it with precaution and wariness. 

1 comment:

  1. Sneha, great article choice. You could not have said it better yourself, technology has the ability to do more the we know. It is a scar thought to think how much bigger technology is than us.It is scary how we can not even wrap our heads around what technology can do to us as a society. This topic in particular is very interesting to me because the possibility's that can happen are endless. Even the most absurd predictions can not even match what technology has in store for us. There is not much people can do besides sit and watch, some might try to make a difference but we need larger numbers to make a difference. Now lets wait and see.
