Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Technology Then vs. Technology Now

This article by the Harvard Business Review explores the impacts of mobile technology on teens and their lives. The interesting part is that this article was written in April of 2012--that is now 15 years ago. It's interesting to read because we can compare the author's views to our views today. As he states, "[we] are the first unconscious participants in an era when everyone has access to everything, everywhere, at every time." In my opinion, not much has changed in the past 15 years; we are completely accustomed to having answers and information at our fingertips, since we have never known anything else. 

How Mobile Technologies Are Shaping a New Generation 


  1. Taylor! Back again with another great blog!! Looks like you searched and choose wisely to get this article! This article is very a appropriate in our focus. This article is not only relate-able , it shows real statistics in today's society. This is good because there are actual percentages that gives the reader an insight to reality. I also like how it was created but another college, which makes us students realize we are not the only ones who are focusing on this topic. I specifically like in this article the bold header "Anonymity and the ability to hide". This was one of my favorite sections because it is so true, it is so easy to hind behind a screen and never see the person face-to-face. This is the ugly truth to how our society is running today, we just need more people to recognize this on-going issue

  2. Thank you Marielle! You basically hit upon all of the points that I found most interesting in the article also! I found this a really good read and I'm glad you enjoyed it as well! Maybe 15 years from now we will have another study done that compares the same parameters, I wonder how those results would and will be different!
