Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A visual representation of how technology has taken the reins over humanity

* Any material used in this blog is strictly for educational purposes only. All copyright materials' within this blog belong to its' rightful owners.*

Empathy vs. Technology

Known for our technological advancements, who would have thought that we as human beings would become so dependent on the very devices we helped create? Mankind relies so heavily on technology, that we use and apply it towards even the most simplest of tasks. So much so that the argument can be made that we have become desensitized and deprived of basic duties and emotions; most prominently empathy. When was the last time you received any form of bad news, whether it be through text, email, imessage, etc.? Odds are the likelihood is that it occurred more than one would have liked. The greater possibility is that we are all guilty of pursuing the latter; being the bearer of bad news. Technology eliminates the means of face-to-face contact, making it seemingly easier to break such bad news, as not being an appropriate candidate for a job position, for instance. Its even used as means to attack others, with no regards of how it may impact their lives. People have become relatively comfortable utilizing such technology as means of avoiding human contact; and therefore diminishing one's ability to empathize, and possibly relate to those from different walks of life. Make no mistake, technology is not, and shouldn't be to blame for our shortcomings. It is up to us to put our phones down, close our laptops, and for once take responsibility for our fault of allowing technology to restrain us from some of our most basic, and primitive emotions that make us humans to begin with. 

A more in depth look on how technology has impacted us on a global standpoint.

1 comment:

  1. I see where you are coming from, but when we put the phone down we are disconnected from the world. Ok that is fine for short periods of time, but our society is so shaped and fixed to technology that if someone got rid of all technology, they would have problems, solely because jobs, or school. Alot of jobs use technology or need it to be able to run the business. Most colleges use the internet for communication or assignments. It is sad to say but technology is required in today's generation. By no means should infants to teens should grow up with technology, they should not be taught with an IPad. The younger generations should be taught properly without any technology, but for young adults and adults, it is required.
