Thursday, February 9, 2017

Who are you?

*Week 3
I came across this video on Facebook and I really liked it. I think what she is saying is extremely important and relates to topics we discussed in class. This video is deep and I love how someone so famous could be so humble. I think everyone should watch this video.


  1. After watching this video, I gained a sense of empowerment. To see someone in a position such as Lady Gaga, whose life is very much in the public eye, and has built a career on outlandish personas, come to the realization that that was not who she truly was. She finally decided to take a stand and uphold her beliefs rather than let society or the powers that be continue to influence her and her reality. This was very deep. Great video.

    1. Thank you for the Feedback David! I completely agree with your views and how a well known icon impacts society with such few words. It was only a few minutes but hit home for a lot of people. I think it is cool how she can influence so many people by seeing her true colors. I think it is important for everyone to watch more videos like this.
