Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Women in the Industrial Revolution

This video is a brief overview of how women were impacted during the Industrial Revolution.


  1. Hey Taylor!! Great clip choice, I like how it is not only informal but short. It touches main points and doesnt drag on with pointless information. I like how it touches on how women were paid compared to men. I think it is important that watchers to learn more about women's role during the Industrial Revolution.

    1. Hey Marielle, thank you for your input! I felt that this clip was great for hose reasons too- it gets the point across in a short and sweet way, while still being completely informative. It perfectly fits how we need to display information to our generation today, for whom everything is so fast paced and quick!

  2. True, I agree with Marielle. Great pick! Honestly, it's crazy how much the Industrial Revolution impacted nearly every single aspect of a working civilization. The pay difference between women and men was clearly identified at this point. It had only worsened from that point onwards. Women had a great role during the Industrial Revolution, which I feel is frequently overlooked by the "bigger events" that took place during that time like revolutionary inventions and mass manufacturing. (Understandable, but still women's role should at least be acknowledged)

  3. Sneha I completely agree! Women were vital to the success of the industrial revolution. They kept businesses running, they ran machines themselves, and they began to play a larger role outside of the home which allowed them to better themselves in society! Who knows where we would be today without the brave and bold women of those times?
