Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Industrial Revolution -----> Impact on Women and Children

*Week 4
The Industrial Revolution impacted not only the government but a specific groups, such as women and children. Everyone got hit pretty hard, but focusing on women and children there were many new opportunities and change that came along with it. For women, jobs expanded and began to work outside the home. This then led to political change and more protests for women's rights. Some of the jobs were domestic services or places like textile factories. This was followed by women being more independent. Which lead them to get outside their comfort zones and do things they never thought of doing. From all these women getting jobs, they had to leave the house and children were left to fend for themselves more often. This led to more child labor. This can be looked at as a positive or negative because children should not be over worked and should be going to school. All together, there were many effects from the Industrial Revolution.


  1. Hey Marielle! Nice reflection of the Industrial Revolution in short terms. It's so true that the Industrial Revolution can be seen as positive and negative. It is conflicting because there is so much negativity that came from the revolution but it had also caused a flourishing of technology, innovation, and work that led to economic benefits. Regardless, after the revolution, climate change was steadily building and global warming increasing. It is difficult to rule whether the revolution was the best or worst thing to happen.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Sneha, I know where you are coming from. That is a good question that has not crossed my mind while writing this. Now is that a yes or no, was the revolution the best or the worst thing to happen? That is also varies between person to person. But is there a right or wrong answer. That is something for you to decide.Good debatable topic for a conversation starter.
