Monday, February 20, 2017

What if?

What if the Industrial Revolution had never taken place? What-if's are difficult to answer because most scenarios are unpredictable or had many purposeful events leading up to that moment. However, there is no doubt that the Industrial Revolution brought upon many benefits economically and horrible aftermath environmentally. The Industrial Revolution has been regarded to as the "the destruction of the home-based production and its replacement by large factories," which is factual and essentially what occurred. It was the start of environmental damage and 
Electronics and advanced technology would not exist, medicine would not reach far bounds, education would be lower, ability to fly/transport with planes would not exist. On the other hand, pollution would be significantly lower- global warming could have been drastically and significantly slowed down from the current pace that the climate is changing currently. In fact, climate change would be mostly theoretical. It is interesting to see how the Industrial Revolution was such a dramatic watershed in the world's history. 
However, there is no real way to ponder about possibilities and what-ifs. The creation of such technology and labor-relieving innovation was inevitable. It would have just been a matter of time. As it is, human beings are self-destructive in nature. The only thing that could have been different would be the human emotion and compassion that should have came along with the progression of technology and advancement. We are now living in a society that has environmental concern as a bottom priority which could have been avoided with the accompaniment of human emotion. 


  1. Hello Sneha!! Great topic to tip off the conversation! I like how you used the topic of your comment to start off your new blog post, you never fail to disappoint! I can totally agree with you and where you are coming from. This is a great topic to consider because of how technology is taking over us. Now picture a world without technology....that is something to get the wheels moving and make some steam!! I can talk about life without technology for hours!! But I can totally agree with the fact that we are destructing nature. It has been happening for century's now..lets see how long it takes before we realize the mess we have made.

  2. Unfortunately, as you said Sneha, if the industrial revolution hadn't happened when it did, it would only be a matter of time before it happened later. Perhaps if it happened a bit later in time, we might have had more concern for how it may affect the environment because we would have still been relying on the environment for resources at the time. It is a sad thing to think of, but I can say without a doubt that the Industrial Revolution was the major event which led to the rapid demise of our environmental conditions today.
